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Save Money with Just One All-Purpose Cleaner

Part of my responsibilities as the parent that stays home is to keep to a budget. We need my husband’s income to go as far as it can so that I can stay home and homeschool my daughter with special needs. That means I need to find ways to save money. I can also simplify my life in the process then that’s a win win for me!

I used to buy different cleaners for each household task. Glass cleaner, kitchen cleaner, toilet cleaner, bathroom spray and yet another for cleaning the floors.

That’s like 5 different cleaners!

Maybe that’s not a lot in comparison to some households out there but it seems like a lot to me. I would stock each room with the cleaning products I needed just so I wouldn’t have to run around grabbing supplies. Plus, I had to be constantly aware of potential dangers in my house for my kids and make sure cleaners were put away. I also worried about harmful chemical residues left on any surfaces that they might touch.

We often choose our cleaning products based on clever marketing.

Cleaners that work faster and easier seem miraculous and we buy into the marketing without thinking of future health consequences. Advertising tells us that we need the harsh chemicals to kill those germs effectively and quickly. I, too, bought into the advertising hype until I learned there could be a different way to approach cleaning.

So, I decided to switch to an all-natural plant-based cleaner. Since it’s all-natural, I don’t have to worry about toxic chemicals. Highly concentrated so it costs very little per use so I can not only extend my cleaner but save money. Plus, it is all-purpose so I can ditch the other cleaners and just have the one cleaner for everything.   Not only does my house smell amazing, but my respiratory system is loving it. I’m no longer coughing or having to open the windows when I’m spraying cleaner in the bathroom.

What’s this Magical All-Purpose Cleaner?

Okay, it’s not magic but it IS amazing! The one cleaner that I have replaced all my other cleaners with is Thieves All-Purpose Household Cleaner. This all-purpose, concentrated cleaner is formulated with 100 percent plant– and mineral-based ingredients. Thieves Household Cleaner is biodegradable and complies with EPA standards. Based on the immune-supporting Thieves essential oil blend, Thieves Cleaner cleans and sanitizes surfaces from the kitchen to the bathroom. So concentrated that one capful makes an entire 25 oz spray bottle of cleaning solution.

Save money with one all-purpose cleaner

Don’t quite believe it? A quick search on YouTube (search “thieves cleaner”) and you will find many videos done by essential oil users testing how well Thieves cleaner works. For me the fact alone that Thieves is 100 percent plant and mineral-based was enough for me to want to try it. Of course, my husband was skeptical at first but when I demonstrated how well Thieves cleaned and how amazing it made the house smell amazing, he was sold.

I use this cleaner for absolutely everything. The kitchen, the bathroom, the floors, the walls. I use it to spray down the dash of my car, wipe down the leather seats and clean greasy fingerprints off the walls. I make a paste and use it to deep clean my oven.

Where can I buy Thieves Cleaner?

Thieves cleaner is exclusively a product of Young Living essential oils. One of the wholesale membership premium starter kits comes with a collection of Thieves products!

$199.75 CAD

Young Living is the world leader in essential oils and guarantees purity from the seed to the seal on every bottle of oil. For more information on Young Living’s Seed to Seal Guarantee, you can see their commitment here.

I am a wholesale member with Young Living and have been for a number of years now. Young Living has allowed me to learn in a deeper way about living more naturally, reducing toxic and chemical substances in my home and supporting the health and wellbeing of my family.

If you would like to learn more about Young Living’s wholesale membership options, you can read more here. I highly recommend that you sign up as a wholesale member to save 24% off retail price.

Plus, I have a welcome package full of free resources to send you so you can get started with your oils right away! You will also have access to a lot of education and support from both myself and others in the oil community.

Check out the sign-up details here, and be sure to connect with me on Facebook to claim your free welcome package!  Email me with questions:

What are your favorite ways to use Thieves cleaner or essential oils?

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website.

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