make mornings successful

6 Simple Ways to Make Mornings With Kids Successful

As a parent, you know that mornings can be hectic. Between getting everyone dressed and fed, and getting yourself ready for the day, it can be tough to get out the door on time. But there are some simple things you can do to make mornings less chaotic. Here are six simple ways to make mornings successful.

1. Get up before your kids.

One of the best ways to make mornings less chaotic is to get up before the kids. This will give you some time to yourself to wake up slowly and start your day on a calm note. Additionally, you’ll be able to get some things done around the house before the craziness of the morning begins.

2. Get everyone dressed before breakfast.

One of the best ways to make mornings less chaotic is to set out clothes the night before. This way, you and your kids will know what to wear and there will be no last-minute scrambling to find clothes that match. You can also lay out breakfast items and school supplies so that everything is ready to go in the morning.

3. Set out clothes the night before.

To make mornings even easier, set out clothes the night before. This way, all you have to do is wake up, get dressed, and go. No more searching for that lost sock in the morning!

4. Prepare breakfast the night before.

Overnight oats are a great option for busy mornings. Simply combine oats, milk, and your favorite toppings in a jar and let it sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning, all you have to do is grab and go! It is also a good idea to make extra pancakes on the weekend, wrap them in saran wrap, and freeze them. In the morning, you can pop them into the toaster for a quick breakfast. Add some fruit and you have a healthy, easy meal.

5. Have a Routine

Another way to make mornings less chaotic is to have a routine. This means having a set order of activities that you do each morning so that everyone knows what needs to be done. Having a routine will help to keep everyone on track and minimize disruptions.

6. Get the Kids Involved

Another way to make mornings more successful is to get the kids involved in the morning routine. This can help them to feel more ownership over the process and make them more likely to cooperate. Additionally, it can help them to learn responsibility and develop good habits.

No parent is perfect, but there are a few general things we can all do to make mornings more successful. If you’re looking for ways to make your mornings less chaotic, try out some of the suggestions from this list. And if you really want to get ahead of the game, sign up to receive a free printable of a morning routine checklist that will help keep you organized and on track. Hey, even super parents need a little help sometimes!

How do you manage mornings in your house? Let me know in the comments.

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For some more helpful tips on developing a good morning routine, I’d suggest this article that focusses on tips to support mental health. “11 Tips for a Morning Routine That Supports Mental Health”

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