How to Plan an Epic Family Christmas
It seems like every year the Christmas season sneaks up on me. I’m always thinking of all the things we want to do but time flies by and we hardly did anything. And if we did do something together it’s often last minute and rushed to fit it in our schedule. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to plan an epic family Christmas. I mean epic but not over scheduled or complicated, let’s be real here. We don’t want to get caught up in an overscheduled holiday.
I’m not talking about getting the tree or decorating the house. I’m talking about all the little details, like going to see Santa or checking out Christmas lights displays. And while I do love eggnog and gingerbread houses, that’s not why I look forward to Christmas so much. I love Christmas because of time spent with my family.
This year I am more aware than ever how fast time is passing and I really only have a few more precious years with my kiddos. Often during this stage of life, I have wanted it to be over. Let’s face it, parenting the teen years is not easy and it was even more challenging during a global pandemic. The mental health affects of which we’ll be experiencing for a long time now.
So this Christmas, I want to stop and really look at my kids and pour into them the love I have for them. Hopefully, they’ll pick up on this silent message and feel the love.
While I don’t want to take away from the magic and excitement of Christmas, I do want to make it a priority this year. So I’ve created my very own Christmas Calendar with activities that I know my family will enjoy. Things like ice skating, movie nights and drinking hot chocolate while we look at Christmas lights. By spreading it out through the month and actually putting the activities on the calendar, it becomes top of mind. Each week we have something to look forward to while keeping in mind our obligations outside our family.
I admit, I’m a little bit nervous that this is going to be more work than fun. After all, it usually is Mom that is doing all of the planning and organizing. However, I am hopeful that this time with my family is going to be as magical for all of us.
Even though, I am sure my teens are going to make fun of me for making this cutesy Christmas calendar, I know they will secretly enjoy it. This is going to be a great way to connect as a family and create memories that will last long after the holidays are over.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and forget to take time for the things that are really important. This year, make a plan to connect with your loved ones and create lasting memories. Download the free Christmas calendar and make your plans today.
What Christmas traditions are you looking forward to?